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[情色三级] [法国/四级]假日游船艳遇 Croisières pour couples en chaleur (1980)[MKV/1GB/XN/BT]

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    Croisières pour couples en chaleur (1980)
    Released: 09 Jul 1980
    Runtime: 79 Mins
    Languages: French

    Guillaume rents a house-boat with his wife Dominique and “their” lover, Martine. In the evening, Guillaume tells stories to put them to sleep. On their holiday cruise along a canal, they meet several characters and have ‘fun’ with them each time – the woman lock keeper, a girl on a bike who plunges into the canal as she waves at them, a girl who hitches a lift from a bridge and a girl who seems to be a nun, until her black stockings and suspenders are revealed. Eventually, Martine brings M. Léon on board and the film ends with an orgy.


    Croisières pour couples en chaleur (1980) DVDRip.torrent

    42.63 KB

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